
Our trusted partners provide a wide selection of services.

Aurelia Ventures

Startup Fundraising and mentoring program

Aurelia Ventures provides startups with personalized startup programs and fundraising programs to grow faster, overcome stage-specific challenges, and raise investment quicker. We know founders are most productive when they can spend most of their time building. That’s why we tailor each program to the needs of the respective startup, meet with the founder on a flexible basis and give them advice on the topics they care about. Our goal is to create an environment where founders can be the most productive and focus exclusively on scaling their startups without being distracted by fixed schedules or external commitments.

Besides the personalized program structure, our founders join a global community of like-minded entrepreneurs, have access to startup perks & benefits to extend their runway, and are invited to join live sessions with industry experts and mentors.

The Spark Program and Rise Program supports early-stage startups to overcome their stage-specific challenges and to scale to the next stage, while the specialized Fundraising Program prepares and guides startups through their fundraising process so they are confident in raising successfully from Business Angels and VCs.

Aurelia Ventures enables you to reduce operating costs through 1.25M+ USD in perks, get mentorship for your startup and help you raise capital.

To qualify your company needs to be a technology startup that hasn’t raised a series B yet. Any industry, any country.

Join our global community and benefit from an equity free and 100% personalized program and accept applications on a rolling basis.

Cornerstone Resources

Cornerstone Resources are a bespoke outsourced HR Consultancy who provide tailored HR services to the specific needs of your business to support your people and build an honest working environment.

Cornerstone Resources specialise in employee relations, ranging from coaching & mentoring to recruitment & disciplinaries with everything in between. They are a cost-effective way to support your people, allowing you to concentrate on your business.

The team have a combined 111 years of HR experience. So no matter which member of the team you speak to, you know you’re getting the best possible service. And because they work with clients over the longer term, they get to know you and your business. A personal service that makes a difference.